Sunday, 23 March 2014

kawista fruit


Talking about kawista fruit this one, for sure who many of you don’t know about this fruit because this fruit is quite rare and unpopular. That’s why I’m here talk a little bit about kawista fruit. 

Kwista fruit known in latin as Limonia acidissima, that's where the fruit kwista grows in dry areas, and many trees were found in the country, especially in my own village, and there are also overseas such as : sri lanka, india, Myanmar. 

The Characteristics of the fruit itself the tree of kawista always grow in dry areas, a relatively small trunkcan reach up to 12 feet tall and this tree also has slender branches and twigs and branches and thorns overgrown its leaf form compound a length of up to 12 cm . This kwista fruit is a round , with a very hard skin , scaly and brown skin color white , fragrant flesh and its contents blackish brown when ripe , but if the new half- ripe the fruit is white and the tastes is sweet . 

The Benefits of kwista fruit that I know is to treat abdominal pain , lower the heat , and the bark of the kwista tree can be processed into various commodities such as syrups and toothpaste , in addition kwista ripe fruit is also believed to be a mixture of herbs to cope with menstrual pain excessive , liver disorders , nausea - nausea , and treating wounds caused by insects .

But unfortunately not many are familiar know with this fruit and what the benefits of kawista fruit. especially in Indonesia kawista abroad when the fruit is already in though and utilized in such a manner and to export .

Let's recognize and try to feel the benefits of this fruit , and if you are interested with this fruit, you can go to a neary area that is in Negara regency of Jembrana , and are also in sri lanka , india , or Myanmar .