island of a thousand temples familiar with very beautiful with its diverse
ethnic and cultural, and not less interesting there are various kinds of food
so delicious culinary and attracted the attention of many tourists.
one of the
fascinating Balinese food is Lawar.
often referred to as food mixture, why is that ? because lawar made of some vegetables and meat
mixture with seasonings such a way - traditional seasonings.
Lawar Klungah is typical food from Jembrana , lawar klungah made from klungah, Klungah is part of the coconut palm before becoming, in which the part is separated from the outer portion of the coconut husk is boiled and then chopped into pieces - small pieces to suit our tastes, next to condiment made with traditional Balinese spice blend ( base gede ) then stir by hand so that the marinade evenly mixture. For those who are lovers of spicy food, this is perfect for lawar complementary foods.
on guys for trying this food, for foreign tourists or local tourists who want
to enjoy this food, please come to the State Jembrana, food is available at the
stalls food in Jembrana areas and also food stalls pork roll in Jembrana area.